You pay an expensive premium to your insurance carrier so that you are protected if your home is damaged and you rightfully expect to receive proper compensation when you have a covered loss. Unfortunately, in some instances, your insurance company may not provide you with the compensation you are entitled to. While it is reasonable to expect your insurance company to pay for the damage to your home when you have a covered loss, you may receive a payment that is far less than the amount of coverage you are entitled to. At worst, your insurance company may wrongfully deny your claim in its entirety.
A homeowner’s insurance policy is a contract between the insurance company and the policyholder that sets forth all of the rights and obligations of the parties in dealing with an insurance claim. Residential insurance policies, and especially those relating to luxury homes, are dense legal documents detailing what you have coverage for and what is “excluded” from coverage. Many people find their policy very difficult to make sense of and have a very hard time understanding when they are entitled to be paid and when they are not. Therefore, when your insurance company tells you that you have coverage for one thing but not another, or tells you that you don’t have any coverage at all, it is critical to know whether the information you are being given is accurate. Many people wrongfully assume that their insurance company’s interests are always aligned with their own and simply accept their insurance company’s determination of coverage without questioning it further. Unfortunately, this assumption may not always be correct.
The attorneys at HL Law Group can provide critical information relating to your policy. We understand the terms and conditions describing your rights and the rights of your insurance company. We have seen many of the policy provisions being referenced in the letters from your insurance company that describe the coverage you have or denying you coverage. We can give you the knowledge, information and understanding you need to level the playing field. Knowledge truly is power. When you have knowledge — in this case, an understanding of your rights under the policy as well as your insurance company’s obligations — you now have the power to make informed decisions that are in your best interest.
Let HL Law Group provide you with the knowledge you need to make a smart, informed decisions. HL Law Group has significant experience in residential property insurance, having helped a significant number of residential property owners resolve their insurance claims. And while we are adept at handling all residential property insurance matters, HL Law Group focuses its practice on representing clients with large, complex insurance claims relating to high-end, luxury residential properties. Our clients include high-end residential homeowners and investors that own single-family homes, condominiums, townhomes, and other residential properties. We have handled a multitude of complex losses caused by hurricanes and windstorms, fire, flood, and water damage, among other causes of damage.
If you have a question about your insurance claim, relating to the coverage you have or about information you received from your insurance carrier, feel free to call our office and speak with one of our attorneys. More than a law firm, HL Law Group is a legal resource for its clients.